Investor Annual Meeting Agendas (with Example)

As a fund manager, having an Investor Annual Meeting and sharing regular updates with your current investors holds you and your team accountable while allowing for greater transparency. Additionally, it is likely that your legal documents may require you to host an in-person or virtual Investor Annual Meeting for investors, plus many investors will expect you to. The purpose of these meetings is typically to share an overview of the fund’s performance and future expectations, while also highlighting particular successes and reaffirming your market position. As you begin to think about your next Investor Annual Meeting, here are common topics to consider discussing:


Investor Annual Meeting Agenda

Fund Snapshot

  • Capital Invested

  • Current Performance

  • Portfolio Growth

  • Developments

  • Capital Called, Average Investment Costs, Number of Investments

  • Performance of Multiple on Invested Capital (MOIC), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Distributions to Paid-in Capital (DPI), and/or Total Value to Paid-in Capital (TVPI)

Deal Flow Strategy Review

  • Formula for Success

  • Investment Themes and Trends

Portfolio Company Highlights (Deal by Deal)

  • Company one-liner

  • Metrics: Net Asset Value (NAV), Cost, Ownership, Co-investors

  • Latest Achievements

Current Product and Customers

  • Portfolio Trajectory

  • Fund News and Publications

As with all communications, it is important to schedule this meeting date well in advance to maximize investor attendance and allow yourself ample time to prepare. Many fund managers will host their annual meetings in April, May, October, or early November, away from holidays and summer vacation, although there is generally no requirement for the specific meeting date. Be sure to check your Limited Partnership Agreement (LPA) plus related documents for what cadence of Investor Annual Meeting you have promised or required.

By Shea Tate-Di Donna and Kaego Ogbechie Rust, authors of
The Venture Fund Blueprint.

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Disclaimer: The providers, companies, examples, products, and services shared represent only a subset of available options and are based solely on internal fund manager conversations. These options are intended to be a general framework, not an exhaustive catalog, and should not be viewed as legal or tax advice, endorsements, recommendations, approvals, or rankings. We encourage you to do additional research into each category to find the resources that best fit your specific needs.

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