’Tis the season for giving . . . LP Advice!

One of our favorite things about the early-stage investing ecosystem is our “pay it forward” culture. In the holiday spirit of giving, a few of our favorite Limited Partner (LP) investors have kindly shared their wisdom for emerging venture fund managers.

We asked: “What piece of advice do you wish more fund managers knew?”

Here are some pearls of wisdom from LPs in our community:

“No capital calls from your gmail, please.”
— Family Office LP

“As an LP, I welcome intros to other fund managers and founders, but please ask me first so it’s a double opt-in on both sides to the connection.”
— Family Office LP

“As a Limited Partner, I prefer to receive quarterly investor updates, rather than hear from a fund manager only once per year at the annual meeting or when they are fundraising.”
— Fund of Funds LP

“My favorite AGM (Annual General Meeting) was one that was pre-recorded with lots of editing — no awkward pauses, tech issues, wasted time; clear, succinct communication, with all updates (including many portfolio company presentations) done in 1 hour.”
— Family Office LP

“No surprises — good or bad — is the guiding principle for all investor relationships. Communicate early and as often as needed.”
— High Net Worth Individual LP

Hope you enjoy a wonderful holiday season, and we look forward to more collaborative sharing in the New Year!

The Venture Fund Blueprint: How to Access Capital, Achieve Launch, and Actualize Growth

By Shea Tate-Di Donna and Kaego Ogbechie Rust, authors of
The Venture Fund Blueprint.

To see more like this, buy The Venture Fund Blueprint book on Amazon, sign up for our newsletter, engage us to collaborate with your organization, and follow us on social media.

Disclaimer: The providers, companies, examples, products, and services shared represent only a subset of available options and are based solely on internal fund manager conversations. These options are intended to be a general framework, not an exhaustive catalog, and should not be viewed as legal or tax advice, endorsements, recommendations, approvals, or rankings. We encourage you to do additional research into each category to find the resources that best fit your specific needs.

Venture Fund Blueprint

Buy The Book: https://amzn.to/3YkMF7E ~ Learn how to launch your venture fund.


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