We are a #1 Best Seller, thanks to YOU!

We are so pleased to share that our new book, The Venture Fund Blueprint, is a #1 Best Seller!

Now more than ever, we need a diversity of intellect within investing to change the status quo and advance the next wave of venture capital.

YOU made this happen. Thank you for your phenomenal support.

By Shea Tate-Di Donna and Kaego Ogbechie Rust, authors of
The Venture Fund Blueprint.

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Disclaimer: The providers, companies, examples, products, and services shared represent only a subset of available options and are based solely on internal fund manager conversations. These options are intended to be a general framework, not an exhaustive catalog, and should not be viewed as legal or tax advice, endorsements, recommendations, approvals, or rankings. We encourage you to do additional research into each category to find the resources that best fit your specific needs.

Venture Fund Blueprint

Buy The Book: https://amzn.to/3YkMF7E ~ Learn how to launch your venture fund.


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It’s Out! The Venture Fund Blueprint Book!